Storm and Yukio take the battle with the Phalanx units, which have now merged together into one mass, outside. Twenty blocks away on his motorcycle, Gambit is flirting with a beautiful woman in a car while they ??re waiting at a red light when he suddenly spots a massive lightning bolt and heads that way. Now in Times Square, Storm and Yukio continue fighting the Phalanx while trying to protect civilians. They are joined by Gambit, who makes a timely arrival and drives his motorcycle into the subway and then crashes it into the Phalanx. Covered by the resulting explosion, thanks to Gambit ??s charged cards, Storm flies herself, Gambit and Yukio to safety. Soon, some distance away, Yukio confronts Gambit at knifepoint about a mysterious previous encounter, but Storm defends her teammate. Before they can continue, the beautiful woman with whom Gambit was flirting at the intersection arrives and waves a National Security Council badge at them. She mentions that the NSC has been monitoring the Phalanx threat since New Jersey & Colorado. Gambit begins to question how she could know of both events but the question is interrupted by the arrival of what remains of the Phalanx units. Worse, NSC agent reveals that she is Phalanx as well. Meanwhile at Xavier ??s, Beast is trying to resuscitate the Iceman, whom they found collapsed in the infirmary. Professor X arrives and asks Jubilee to explain what happened. Bishop keeps an eye on Sabretooth who sneers and mocks them. All are surprised when Bobby suddenly begins breathing again. Professor X tries to determine telepathically Bobby ??s mental condition but finds he has trouble, due to telepathic interference from the White Queen, who still appears to be in a coma.