Trapped in a spooling machine, Selene is tortured by Trevor Fiztroy when the Gamesmaster appears, transporting Fitzroy and the other Upstarts – Shinobi Shaw, Graydon Creed, Fabian Cortez and Siena Blaze – to an astral meeting place, where he announces that the next mutant up for grabs in the ??game ? is Forge, whose actions in the coming hours will directly affect the fate of every mutant on the planet. At the Xavier Institute, Colossus shares a moment with his ailing sister, Illyana, while Professor Xavier and Moira MacTaggert can only watch, feeling hopeless, though Xavier announces that he has taken steps to contact Forge, who may be of assistance. In Dallas, Forge and Mystique discuss their situation. Storm and Bishop are en route to Dallas, and discuss Storm ??s recent break-up with Forge, as well as Jubilee ??s assumption about Storm and Bishop dating. Forge and Mystique are soon attacked by Trevor Fitzroy, which results in a race through Eagle Plaza as they try to outwit the villain from the future. Opal Tanaka visits Iceman to discuss their relationship, but once again Iceman is called into battle, leaving Opal alone. Fitzroy gains the upper hand on Forge and Mystique, and as Storm flies towards the top of Eagle Plaza – it suddenly explodes!