Following events from “Secret Wars II #2” and “Web of Spider-Man #6,” Spider-Man continues the investigation into the government’s partnership with the Kingpin, and finds himself out at sea preventing an unscheduled dropoff of the gold.
Following events from “Secret Wars II #2” and “Web of Spider-Man #6,” Spider-Man continues the investigation into the government’s partnership with the Kingpin, and finds himself out at sea preventing an unscheduled dropoff of the gold.
Barcode | 0714860245709 |
Character | Elizabeth 'Betty' Brant, Edward 'Ned' Leeds, Arranger (Oswald P. Silkworth), Charles Anderson, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), J. Jonah Jameson Jr., Joseph 'Robbie' Robertson, Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) |
Cover Date | September 1985 |
Issue | 268C |
Rating | N/A |
Artist | N/A |
Colorist | Bob Sharen |
Cover Artist | N/A |
Cover Colorist | N/A |
Cover Inker | N/A |
Cover Painter | N/A |
Cover Penciller | N/A |
Cover Separator | N/A |
Editor | Keith Williams, James C. Owsley (Christopher Priest) |
Editor in Chief | Keith Williams, James C. Owsley (Christopher Priest) |
Inker | Joe Rubinstein |
Layouts | N/A |
Letterer | Joe Rosen |
Painter | N/A |
Penciller | Ron Frenz |
Plotter | N/A |
Scripter | N/A |
Separator | N/A |
Translator | N/A |
Writer | Tom DeFalco |