Applicant Questionnaire

Thank you for your interest in available positions at Cloud City Games! We receive a large number of applicants for each open position so this helps us match our needs with your availability and skill sets!

    General Information

    Are you over the age of 18?

    Which location(s) are you interested in working at?

    What days are you available to work?

    Your Experience

    Have you ever been terminated from a job?

    Which of these are you comfortable using?

    Which of these products are you at least somewhat knowledgeable about?

    On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing expert level knowledge and 1 indicating unawareness of its existence, please rate your knowledge of the following products.

    Magic the Gathering




    Dungeons and Dragons

    Comic Books

    Board Games

    Video Games

    The fun part

    Questions to see how your brain works!
