Arriving on Earth from the Microverse, Reed, Ben and Johnny are happily surprised to find the threat of Galactus has been averted. Elsewhere, the Wizard has been released from prison and vows revenge against the Fantastic Four, creating “Wonder Gloves” that increase his strength. After testing the weapons out, he flies towards the Baxter building to get revenge on his foes. Meanwhile, Reed has come up with yet another invention to change Ben back to a normal human, and surprisingly this time it works with no side effects. Just then the Wizard attacks, and without the added strength of the Thing, Reed and Johnny are unable to match the villains new powers. While at the hospital, the doctors have some concerns about the baby Susan is carrying. Speaking to Crystal in private they show her medical charts which show that the cosmic rays in Sue’s body could effect the baby. Back at the Baxter building, Johnny and Reed manage to trap the Wizard and knock him out. While disarming him of his Wonder Gloves, the Wizard revives and manages to escape. Ben finding himself useless asks Reed if there is anyway that he can change back to the Thing so he’s not as useless in the future, Reed tells him that any attempt to change back into the Thing will be permanent.