John, the savage new leader of the Saviors, has turned over a new leaf… just in time for an alliance with The Commonwealth?
John, the savage new leader of the Saviors, has turned over a new leaf… just in time for an alliance with The Commonwealth?
Barcode | 70985300073018211 |
Character | N/A |
Cover Date | August 2018 |
Issue | 182A |
Rating | N/A |
Artist | N/A |
Colorist | Cliff Rathburn |
Cover Artist | Charlie Adlard |
Cover Colorist | Dave Stewart |
Cover Inker | N/A |
Cover Painter | N/A |
Cover Penciller | N/A |
Cover Separator | N/A |
Editor | Sean Mackiewicz |
Editor in Chief | Sean Mackiewicz |
Inker | Stefano Gaudiano |
Layouts | N/A |
Letterer | Rus Wooton |
Painter | N/A |
Penciller | Charlie Adlard |
Plotter | N/A |
Scripter | N/A |
Separator | N/A |
Translator | N/A |
Writer | Robert Kirkman |